If you’re a new ostomate and you’re worried about the effect your stoma will have on your ability to eat normally, you’re not alone. Generally, once your body has recovered from the operation, you will be able to eat what you did before. There are no strict rules about diet and it can often be a case of trying something to see if it suits you, as what affects one person may be fine for others – just the same as pre-stoma. Some foods such as some vegetables, fizzy drinks, spicy foods and alcohol may affect more people but many ostomates eat those with no problems at all. [1, 2]

Generally, once your body has recovered from the operation, you will be able to eat what you did before.
For People With A Colostomy
With a colostomy there aren't really any restrictions to your diet.
You may find in the early days after your surgery that your output is looser and that certain things may irritate the bowels slightly, but as things settle down, you’ll find that there aren't any restrictions.
Just maintain a healthy varied diet with plenty of fluid intake.

If you've had a colostomy, there aren't any restrictions to your diet but be sure to maintain a healthy varied diet with plenty of fluid intake.
For People With A Urostomy
There aren't really any restrictions to the diet with a urostomy.
However, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, so that the urine is a nice straw or clear colour.
In hot weather, drink plenty of fluids to prevent urine becoming concentrated as this can increase the risk of urinary tract infection.
Eat foods high in vitamins such as oranges and natural fruit juice, especially cranberry juice.

If you've had a urostomy, there aren't any restrictions to your diet but be sure to eat foods high in vitamins such as oranges and drink natural fruit juice.
For People With An Ileostomy
There aren't many restrictions to the diet.
However, you do have to be cautious of certain foods such as peas, sweetcorn, raw onions (those foods that don't break down very well) as these can cause blockages.
Also, foods containing spices or fizzy drinks can irritate the gut and make the output from the ileostomy looser, so it's best to try and avoid those foods especially in the early days post-surgery.
Just make sure to eat regularly as this helps to regulate stoma function and chew your food well to prevent any blockages.

If you've had an ileostomy, you do have to be cautious of certain foods such as peas and sweetcorn as these can cause blockages.